

Hello! I’m Linus, a playful mix of lab and golden retriever with jet black fur just like my dad’s. My heritage is as diverse as my interests, blending cultures and flavors from both my parents. I proudly wear my fur, marking me as a unique blend of my family’s lineage.

I celebrated my fourth birthday this past April 17th. As a somewhat “chonky” fellow — though my mom insists I’m just big boned — I fill my days with joy and a bit of mischief. My favorite games are tug-of-war, chase, and sometimes fetch, especially when it’s set to the soundtrack of “Wiggle” by Jason Derulo, which gets me dancing and, well, wiggling with excitement!

Linus, Linus with four paws / Got me in this club making adoption plans / If I take pictures while you do your dance / I could make you famous on Dogstagram

Speaking of excitement, I have a quirky habit: the more thrilled I am, the more toys I try to stuff in my mouth. It’s like I’m trying to hold onto the joy as tightly as possible! My dad’s singing often triggers these joyous outbursts, making our home a lively place.

Despite my jovial nature, I do have a serious side. As the self-appointed Chief of Security in our building, I take my duties very seriously, ensuring that no unauthorized person steps onto our floor without a sniff and a thorough inspection.

My days are quite structured. I start with breakfast at 8:00 AM, followed by a day of shadowing my dad around the house, interspersed with cozy naps. By the evening, I’m nudging dad away from his work to remind him it’s dinner time. Our nights end with family playtime and my hopeful attempt to stay out of the crate by cuddling up on the bed — sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

I’m not just all play; I’ve had my share of adventures too. There was that one time I made an unscheduled solo journey from outside a bank back to my home, a whole mile away! Though it ended with a slight mishap and a visit to the ER, I proved my navigational skills and showed just how resilient I can be.

I’m a friendly soul who loves company, both human and canine. I cherish every moment I get to spend playing with my family and friends. Here’s to more fun, security duties, and snuggles!